Monday 5 May 2014

Cleaning the equipment and eating marshmallows

The weekend was also spend cleaning the rest of the equipment for the coming season. Everything was scraped clean the best I could and then sprayed with Virkon S.

Then I just left the stuff in the garden to dry.

I had 10 frames from when I got my bee family last year, that I could not send for melting since I do not know the origin of the wax (I only send pesticide free wax for melting). Instead I decided to burn them - and roast marshmallows with Julius.

I know that bees wax is used for candles but still I had no idea that they would burn so intensly. The picture below are flames from just ONE frame! Julius was a bit scared.....

....... but as soon as the marshmallows were ready all was well again :o)

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