Monday 3 November 2014

2014 batch 1: Cyser (6) Adding yeast stopper

Sometimes in between kids dinner and diapers and bed time my head is just not screwed on right. When I did the racking of the cyser yesterday and even realized that the mead is almost to lactic, I forgot to add the sodium metabisulfite/potassium sorbate that should inhibit the malolactic bacteria. Even though the airlock is not bubbling regularly the process could still be ongoing at a slower rate, and I do not want any more lactic acid in the cyser if I can avoid it.

So today I added the sodium metabisulfite/potassium sorbate today and gave the fermenter a good stir, but no splashing. Thank god I remembered

Just as last year it comes in a prepacked mix that should be adequate for 20 L batches. The total mass of content should be 7 g. So another thing on the to do list is to figure out how much of each component there are in a package.

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