Monday 11 May 2015

2014 batch 3: Bochet (9) - Bottling the Blackberry Bochet

So, when I cannot bottle my currant mead, I will just start bottle the Blackberry Bochet instead.

Same procedure. Washing bottles.

This "Double Blast" bottle cleaner is worth its weight in gold. Also the "Fast Rack" frame in the back fits perfectly for my choice of bottles. The bottles were also sprayed with Star San and then rinsed again.

Alle the gear was lined up

All clean and ready

The bottles were filled with my trusted siphon. Unfortunately I did not get a picture.

Placing the black heat shrink capsules on top of each 0.5L bottle. This is also a presentable way of hiding the silver colored screw cap :o)

Shrink the capsules in slow boiling water. A quick dip in the water is enough to get the tight seal. Just remember to use a glove to protect the hand, and a tool to hold the capsule in place. I am very fond of my bent knife - works very well.

The bottles were cleaned to get rid of spots and finger prints. Then the bottles were labeled. Using my primitive set-up to put the label in the same position, just adds a more appealing look to the bottle.

and voila!

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