Tuesday 29 July 2014

Cleaning the surface of the harvested honey

I left the barrel with honey  for a few days so that bubbles and wax particles could rise to the surface. With a bit of patience the bulk honey becomes quite clear and the surface then looks like this

I was actually quite surpriced how easy it is to clean the surface. Just cut a peace of parchment paper (the stuff used for wrapping in lunch boxes) in a circle just a bit larger than the surface. Lay the paper on the surface, so that the entire surface is covered an pad it where smal air bubbles are trapped. Let it sit for a short while. 

Remove the parchment paper slowly by pulling it off from the edge. The process can be repeated if neccessary but it "costs" about 200 g of honey. For me once was just fine.

Final yield: 22.8 kg for one magasine with 10 plates (12x10)  :o). Hope I can do that again later this year.

I plan to use part of the honey for one batch of mead, take enough for excessive house hold use and then sell the rest as early summer honey.

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