Tuesday 20 January 2015

New pump to be used for racking

This weekend I received my new toy - a small pump to be used when racking meads.

The pump was purchased at solarproject.co.uk. It is a small 6W pump which is specified for home brewing among other uses. The pump specifications are:

Voltage: 12 V DC (7-14V DC)
Power: 6 Watts (500 mA at 12 V)
Temp. range: -40 to 105 C
Flow: approx. 6 L/min unrestricted flow
Vertical head: 2 m

It is great that it can pump freshly boiled water, so it will be easy to clean and sterilize before use.

I also purchased fittings and tubing (2m) at the site, but not the power supply, since it would not fit Danish power sockets.

Well 6 L/min might still be a bit high so I guess I will be running at a lower voltage. Using 7V I need a little less than 1000mA. I found a power supply from GooBay which can deliver 1000mA at 3, 4.5, 5, 6, 7.5, 9 and 12 V DC. It comes with several different connectors, so any can be picked.

The pump is on the other hand is delivered without connector, but I found a plug (female) which can be attached with screw locks instead of weldings at Brinck Electronik in Copenhagen. It works great and it looks good too. Solarproject should sell something like these too and the kit would be complete.

I tested the pump with water, mostly to ensure that I did all the connections correctly :o)  - nice steady flow, but the pump is not able to pull air, so I still need to draw the mead to the pump initially when racking, since I do not have an outlet in the bottom of my fermentors.

I will hopefully get to try it out on my bochet later this week.

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