Friday 8 January 2016

2015 batch 1: Cyser - Improved racking procedure

Just got a GoPro Hero 4 Silver camera, so this is my first movie clip :o) It took forever to put together but I just have to get familiar with the software. Bare with me - it is not a "Tarantino like" stroke of genius.

Well, I found a way to remove the sediment without splashing all over the kitchen, and this clip shows how it was done (if it works...).

Comments to the clip: 1) When sampling the mead I discard the first tap since this is the stale part in the tube inside. The second tapping should be representative of the batch. Keep in min that as the particulates settles, the mead will be much clearer at the surface 2) The used Star San HB was diluted 2 ml to 1L of deminiralized water. This leaves a clear solution. If I use tap water, the high level of calsium carbonate will react with something in the Star San solution which then becomes opaque.

And of cause the test sample was also used for tasting :o)

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