Saturday 30 January 2016

Shopping for a scale

I have an old laboratory scale which has a range of 0-600g with 2 decimals precision. Unfortunately it is 6% off, so all results have to be corrected. I cannot calibrate it either without some special equipment that I of cause do not have. So I have been looking for a 2 decimal scale for a while, but they are just really really expensive.

Going out for dinner with my wife in the city (without kids) we just happened to pass one of these stores selling all kinds of pipes for various illegal substances - and there it was - in the window - a small 0-100 g scale with 2 decimals precision for 300 Kr/about 43USD/38Euro. Compared to the prices I have been looking at, this is dirt cheap.

I bought one and took it home for testing. I have several discarded reference weights from work, which are discarded every 5 years since it is cheaper to by new weights rather than recalibrating the old ones (!?!). For my purpose they will do till the day I die :o)

My 10 g reference weight measured 10.02g which I find surprisingly accurate for the price of the scale. And then it is small and can easily be put away in a drawer. I can highly recommend this type of scales.

And the dinner? It was great. We went to a restaurant called Cofoco and had a wine menu for 5 terrific dishes, but that is a different story...........

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