Wednesday 6 January 2016

2015 batch 1: Cyser - Precipitation of yeast and racking

The following weeks I just waited for the yeast to settle. Then it was time to enjoy the pleasure of my new fermenter. Take of  the airlock, open the bottom valve fully for a short time, close again, and the mead has now been "racked" without being disturbed.

Well, there is always something one forget to consider. The water level in the fermenter is 65-70cm, and the pressure at the bottom valve is quite high. So when the valve is opened fully it was kind of naive to expect the I could catch it in a bowl. Instead it sprayed out, hit the side of the bowl and splashed in all directions. If you look close at the first pic you can see the splashes all over the legs of the fermenter and the refrigerator next to it......and by the way, the precipitated yeast does not smell nice.

All in all I tapped about 1 L. First a plug of yeast came out followed by a quick splash, so I guess this compares well to racking a large plastic fermenter, but loosing a smaller volume of mead.

Time to clean the kitchen....

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