Sunday 28 December 2014

MellaNova Meadery

As the time has gone by I have often thought of starting a commercial mead production. I must say that I have been very inspired by following meaderies in US, and also by reading the American Mead Maker magazine (which by the way is free on Issuu - HERE).

Well I am not in a hurry, and I am not expecting to have an actual sale within at least the next two years, so I am not going to quit my day job. But as a start I have set up my own web-page at (HERE). I was very surprised how easy it is to build a web page. I use the web hotel unoeuro (HERE) because they are quite cheap - yes, you guessed it: about 1 euro/month. As a guide how to set up a web page I recommend webdesigner (HERE). The guides are very easy and straight forward and in danish.

I have also associated a facebook page (HERE) and also a twitter acount (@MellaNova_Mead) so at least now the name is acquired at the most relevant sites :o)

The sites are not fully updated yet but I hope that the pages will be presentable within the start of the new year. Any tips tricks and ideas are very welcome

Why MellaNova? As most mead makers would know, "mell" means honey in latin. "Mella" means "honey-water" which is the essence of mead. The use of the term "Nova" (New) indicates that the mead I make is NOT according ancient recipes but made under the best conditions that are available today, with innovative use of known and new ingredients. Put in another way, I wish to associate mead with a modern exclusive product and not with Viking drinking orgies. Finally, MellaNova is just very easy to say and remember.

Picture 1: CapsiCyser anno 2014: Samples for tasting - very unprofessional picture but a start :o)

Everybody should know great mead!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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